Foreign Ministry accused Iran of preventing adoption of applications for attack on embassy

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry made a statement in which Iran attempts to block the adoption of a number of international organizations by condemning a terrorist attack on the Azerbaijani Embassy in Tehran on January 27, 2023.

“with the aim of international condemning a terrorist attack committed on January 27 against the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran, the identification and speedy punishment of the organizers and the perpetrators of the terrorist act, the relevant international organizations and platforms are presented for adoption of documents containing calls to fulfill obligations arising From the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, ”the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said in a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.

The department emphasized that about 100 countries and secretariats of a number of international organizations were condemned by the armed attack on the diplomatic mission of Azerbaijan in Iran, emphasizing the need to punish the perpetrators of this act.

“Iranian side sought to prevent a wide exposure of a terrorist attack at the international level in international organizations whose members are and decisions in which are made consensus. In particular, immediately after the attack, the Iranian side protested against the commander’s projects and the statements submitted by Azerbaijan in the coordination bureau Non -compliance movements (DN) and in the meeting on the interaction and confidence measures in Asia (SVMDA), and prevented the adoption of these documents, ”the foreign policy noted.

At the same time, the Foreign Ministry notes that out of 120 countries, only Syria and India supported the position of Iran.