Foreign Ministry: Türkiye urges parties to Kosovo to resolve situation by dialogue

Turkey calls on the parties to Kosovo to refrain from steps that can lead to the escalation of tension and resolve the situation through dialogue, the country’s Foreign Ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry emphasized that Ankara with concern monitors the development of the situation in the north of Kosovo. The increase in tension is damaged by regional security and stability, the department noted.

Turkey, we urge the parties to refrain from the steps that can lead to the escalation of tension, the Foreign Ministry said in the Foreign Ministry.

“We highly appreciate the constructive role of NATO peacekeeping mission in KFOR (KFOR) in preventing the escalation of events. They learned with regret that some military KFOR were injured during the last events,” the diplomatic mission noted.

The Foreign Ministry called on the parties to Kosovo to resolve the situation by dialogue, since EO “The only way to reduce tension, establish a stable world and stability.”