Former chief of Turkish police was sentenced to 2170 prison

The former Chief of the Turkish Police of the Names of Ardić was sentenced to 2170 prison for a conspiracy against the leadership of the Istanbul Fanerbach Football Club. Reports about it ESPN.

In 2011, the President of Fenerbahce Aziz Yyldyrym received six years in prison for creating a criminal community and organizing contractual matches. A year later, it was justified. It turned out that the case against Jyldryma was fabricated by order of Fethullah Gulen.

As a result, Ardic was found guilty of counterfeiting documents and a conspiracy against the club and sentenced to 2170 conclusions. The former head of the Samanyolu Media group Hildayeth Karadzha received 1406 years in prison for incitement to listening to telephone conversations and counterfeiting documents. It is noted that the real deadlines received another 25 defendants.