France: Islamophobes ocked mosque

In France in the city of Talence (Bordeaux’s suburb), Vandals ocked the local mosque. Anti-Islamic slogans were left on the walls of the building: “Immigration kills” and “Remove your mosques.” This was reported to the Muslim community of the city on his Facebook page last Wednesday.

Community Chairman Mohamed Bolds said that “such inscriptions and drawings at the place of worship are unacceptable, especially since families with children go here,” transfers the news portal “TRT in Russian”. According to him, they have already appealed to the police for further investigation.

The publication reminds that earlier the Minister of the Interior of France Gerald Darmann called to strengthen the security of Muslim services of worship after a few days before Ramadan, the walls of the mosque and the Islamic Cultural Center in the city of Rennes were defiled.

In addition, in early April, in French Nantes, unknowns set fire to the mosque. The building caused material damage, completely burned the entrance door of the temple.