France: number of cases of excessive use of force on part of police is growing

In France, after the death of a 17-year-old young man, scenes of violence and riots are observed at the Nanter’s hands.

Protesters in various French cities and communes set fire to cars, arrange riots. At the moment, the police have already detained more than 600 participants in the shares.

At the same time, it is noted that the French law enforcement officers use disproportionate power to accelerate protesters.

According to France 24, 17-year-old driver Nael M., who died as a result of a gunshot wound, is not the first victim of police arbitrariness.

Only from the beginning of 2023, 3 people were killed at the hands of police in France, and in 2022 – 13 people. All these cases were associated with the refusal of drivers to stop the car.

Against the background of the current situation in France, it is worthwhile to attract attention to the security bill from 2017. Thus, the bill aimed at combating terrorism was repeatedly criticized by human rights activists, since he dangerously expanded the legal framework of the police in terms of the use of weapons.

Meanwhile, French researchers conducted a study of the growth of the police by the police of deadly force.

According to the results of the studies, it was concluded that the number of people killed by the police driving cars after the bill gained the legal framework increased by 5 times.

The number of cases of public non-compliance with the requirements since 2017 increased by about 35 percent, and the incidents with the killing of drivers by police officers at 350 percent, the study says.

So, as a result of fire, opened by law enforcement officers in France in 2021, 3 people died, in 2020 – 2 people, in 2017 and 2018 – 6 people each. At the same time, in 2019, such incidents were not observed. It is worth noting that most of those who died with disagreements on the roads since 2017 are in African Americans or Arabs.