France opened Archival Documents on Genocide in Rwanda

France opened archival documents relating to genocide in Rwanda in 1994, during which, according to different estimates, died from 500 thousand to 1 million people.

For the general public, documents from the archives of France France Francois Mittera and the former Prime Minister of Eduar Balyndyur, as well as copies of the documents mentioned in the report of the research commission on French archives relating to Rwanda and the Genocide of Tutsi People (1990 – 1994 ), it is reported on the official website of the legal information of the government of France Legifrance, which is referred to the Russian edition of the “Look”.

The report of the research commission for more than a thousand pages was presented to the President of France Emmanuel Makron on March 26. According to the conclusions of the Commission, Paris “remained blind to the preparation of” Genocide in Rwanda, but there is no evidence in the complicity of France in genocide. At the same time, historians noted that “France has invested in support of the regime for a long time, which encouraged racist violence.”

The massacre of representatives of Rwanda Tutsi by the local people of Hutu was used from April 6 to July 18, 1994. The total number of victims amounted to 20% of the total population of Runda. The genocide was planned by the Rwandan political elite and was directly carried out by the army, gendarmerie and groupings of extremists supported by the authorities.