Gas meters for household subscribers will install for free

In apartment buildings of Azerbaijan, gas meters will be installed for free, the civil service reports on antimonopoly policy and supervision of the consumer market under the Ministry of Economy.

According to the report, the state races covered appeals due to the fact that during the installation of gas meters in newly built apartment buildings, residents demanded a fee. In the course of the investigation, it turned out that housing and construction cooperatives demand the money from tenants for gas counters, explaining this by the fact that they acquire them from structures engaged in power supply.

To discuss these issues in the civil service for antitrust policy and supervision of the consumer market, a meeting was held with representatives of the structures engaged in energy supply. The meeting was emphasized by the inadmissibility of cases of the Requirements of the HCC of Money from the residents of newly built apartment buildings for the installation of gas meters and the need to comply with the requirements of existing legislation in this area.

to eliminate uncertainty in accordance with the recommendation of the civil service from July 1 of this year to the technical requirements (TU), issued by the ECC, will require a requirement for free installation of gas meters.