Georgia: Russian and Panama ships are checked

Courts under the flags of Russia and Panama, loaded with fuel and grain and accepted from August 11 to 15 in Georgian ports Poti and Batumi, had no “any connections” with companies under sanctions due to war in Ukraine, reports Revenue of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia.

According to four ships – Blacksea Eagle, SVL Unity, Baku Star and Neonil, entered Georgian ports from Russia and Bulgaria with cargo for Georgian and Armenian companies: “The vessels were loaded with Russian and Bulgarian companies transported 6,270,095 tons diesel fuel and 2,900 tons of wheat for Georgian companies, as well as 5,000 306 tons of fuel and 3,299,100 tons of wheat for Armenian companies. “

The Georgian Sea Transport Agency also conducted the court inspection and confirmed that “international sanctions did not apply to the courts or the company owning them.” In this case, the cargo also passed the customs verification. The Office notes that together with the Georgian Marine Agency, “the vessel and shipowners are constantly being checked” in order to “prevent any attempt” to Russia to circumvent international sanctions.