German authorities refuse to pay a pension to a deadly nurse

Traditionally, the social protection system of Germany was considered one of the advanced in Europe. However, every year there are bare officers in this system and more and more patients and disadvantaged people remain without the help from the state.

As the German media writes, one of these victims is the 54-year-old Ryudiger K. from the city of Crown. Since 2009, a man lives with a pacemaker, suffers from the rigidity of the spine and severe depression, he has to take up to 16 tablets per day (including opioid fentanyl, which is 100 times stronger than morphine). Since 2012, he has a disabled certificate.

Understanding that it can no longer work, Ryudieger K. filed an application for a disability pension, but German retirement insurance rejected him.

“I have no strength, I’m in complete despair,” there is a lonely 54-year-old man with tears in his eyes.

He worked as a mechanic and truck driver 35 years old: “I never had a pain in 2014, but in 2014 I had unbearable back pain. Later, a terrible diagnosis was made – ankylosing spondylitis, which is not curable.”

Ryudieger K. was on vacation by illness until May 2020 and received a sentence for a disease in the amount of about € 1,200 (65% of the last net salary).

“After 17 months have expired, I had to apply for unemployment benefit, which in fact should be € 1,100. The authorities reduced it to € 780 per month.” Full performance? Ryudieger K. filed an application for a disability pension in German pension insurance (DRV), but it was rejected. Expert’s medical conclusion: 54-year-old man is fully able to use.