German Defense Minister suddenly arrived in Odessa

Minister of Defense of Germany Christine Lambrecht arrived on Saturday with a previously not announced visit to Odessa, where it was met by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexei Reveznikov, Deutsche Welle reported.

This is the first visit of Lambrecht to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion.

The Minister of Defense of Germany noted that Ukraine will soon receive the first of several IRIS-T air defense systems promised by Berlin. According to her, he must enter during the “next few days.”

It is reported that Lambrecht had to hide in the bunker for some time due to air alarm. The Minister, in particular, was told about the application of the GEPARD transmitted by the Government of Germany Kyiv. According to Lambrecht, these self -propelled anti -aircraft installations will help protect the Odessa critical infrastructure from rocket strikes of the Russian Federation.