Germany: neo-Nazis attacked young man from Azerbaijan

In German Neubrederburg, neo-Nazists attacked the young man from Azerbaijan and his friend, they write German media.

According to information, 18-year-old Azerbaijan at 8:30 am, directed to the supermarket located on Khokhstrasse. At this time, two unknown people approached him from behind and began to insult the young man. The young man tried to escape, but the attackers sat on him a dog.

At that moment a friend of the victim appeared, a 17-year-old citizen of Azerbaijan, who tried to stand up for him. Neonazists put into the course of pepper balonchik and disappeared from the crime scene.

The Investigation of the Incident was connected to the Inspectorate of the Nebröderburg Criminal Police. Currently, the police are looking for criminals. In law enforcement agencies, Germany does not hide their concerns about the frequent cases of attacks of neo-Nazis on foreigners.