Girkin announced plans to go to politics

Former Commander of the Army of the Separatists of Donbass Igor Strelkov (Girkin) announced plans to go into politics.

The Russian leadership “Apatifically” and “internally lost the war”, the defeat in which is currently “inevitable,” Girkin said, it is quoted by Moscow Times.

“we did not have normal patriots either on the political field,” he said, adding that the power treats him just like liberals, without providing any resources, no authority and marginalizing his position in the public Field.

“If our power firmly headed for defeat in this war, then our paths will be dispersed. So, we will have to look for ourselves on a political field somewhere,” said 52-year-old Girkin.

“For 10 months we … managed to suffer defeat in conditions that do not provide for the defeat at all,” Girkin said.

In early December, Girkin announced a return to Moscow after the second unsuccessful attempt to go to the Ukrainian Front.

On November 17, the Gaga District Court in absentia sentenced Girkin to a life imprisonment in the case of a passenger Boeing in 2014.