Girkin predicts “riots and rebellions” in Russia

soon the start of a new wave of mobilization is expected in Russia, which can lead to mass riotes, said FSB former officer Igor Girkin (Strelkov). He made such a statement in an interview with one of the Russian propaganda resources, reports

Strelkov noted that the first wave of mobilization in Russia showed the army’s inability to give normal support and training to recruits. During the new wave, it will become worse. But it will still be, because the losses of the Armed Forces of Russia in Ukraine are colossal, says Girkin.

“now to drive several thousands of people in the same conditions in which people were driven earlier, this is fraught with serious rebellions and even rebellions. The effect will be much lower than when those 300 thousand were mobilized. simply because these 500 (thousand) There will be nothing to supply or arm. The Ministry of Defense does not have such resources in order to put one half a million people into service, at least put them on and feed them. Problems with communication, with transport, with all types of weapons and supply have already become a linguistic in the tongue. This situation, of course, is impossible to carry out normal mobilization. The current Ministry of Defense with the current realities can only sharply worsen the situation, ”Strelkov said.
