GUERRISH: It is time to take specific steps in gas sector

The Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) Antoniu Guterrish sent a video message to the participants of the International Humanitarian Conference for the Civil Population of Gaza, organized in Paris at the request of French President Emmanuel Macron.

GUERRISH said that it was time to take specific steps in the gas sector, and called on the international community to support.

GUERRISH added: that the civilian population of the Gaza, including women and children, is faced with the “endless nightmare”: “Their houses are destroyed, their loved ones are killed, and they are deprived of the most elementary needs: water, food, electricity and medicine.”

noting that vital assistance began to enter the gas, he called it a “small drop in the sea” adding that the needs are very great.

again calling for the immediate humanitarian cessation of fire to protect the civilian population of Gaza, Gaterrish emphasized the need to comply with international humanitarian law.

– I ask for your support

The Secretary General emphasized the need to protect hospitals, UN facilities, shelters and schools, to ensure safe access to basic needs, including fuel, and support the UN calling for $ 1.2 billion for humanitarian assistance to the population of Gaza.

“I ask you about support, now is the time to take specific actions. Together we can help alleviate these terrible suffering,” said Antoniu Gutherrish, emphasizing the need to give the residents of Gaza Ray of Hope, a Message of Solidarity to show that the world Cares about them.