Havelsan seeks to increase effectiveness of his work in African market

Havelsan General Director Mehmet Akif Najar, who took part in the 3rd African Forum of the Air Force, held in the capital of Nigeria Abuja, answered questions from the correspondent of the Anadola agency (AA) regarding the African expansion of the company.

Najar said that within the framework of the concept of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the development of relations with the countries of Africa, Havelsan seeks to satisfy the defense needs of the friendly and fraternal countries of the region and establish strategic partnership with these countries, and not the “Provider-Provider”. P>

Having stated that Havelsan began its African expansion in parallel with Turkey’s policy in the region, he emphasized that the company has supported closer contacts with the countries of the region since 2019, regular visits have contributed to mutual progress, and now they are known in many countries.

We want to implement many projects in Africa

Najar drew attention to the systems of combat control and preparation of Havelsan Baha, as well as simulators. The company recommend these products to African countries.

CEO added that Havelsan offers many of his products for use through his partners in Turkey: “We want to direct many projects to the African continent. We brought here our new products, such as BAA (unmanned aerial vehicle with suboblamic management) and Barkan) and Barkan) (unmanned ground apparatus) and rifle simulators. “

He emphasized that Havelsan is working on business development with Nigeria, Rwanda, Kenia, Uganda, Gambia, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Senegal, Cameroon and other African countries.

In Nigeria, interest in the company’s products

is observed

explaining that the integrated system of combat management data with network support (Advent) of Havelsan was transferred to Nigeria as part of an agreement signed in June last year, Najar said: “There is very sincere interest from Nigeria. In the coming period, with an increase in an increase the number of attacks of attacks in this country, we will also provide helicopter attacks of attacks. “

Najar further said: “We also export Baha to other countries. Baha is a product that is simultaneously small in size, affordable in price and easy to use. We believe that the Baha will become a start and that other countries will take from him will strive for the use of our products. “