Head of Pentagon Austin was hospitalized on January 1

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was hospitalized on January 1, but now it is already recovering. This is stated in the message of the press secretary of the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) Patrick Ryder.

The head of the Pentagon was hospitalized due to complications after a recent planned medical procedure, ”Raider said.

“He is well restored and expects to renew his complete duties,” the report said.

Later, a message about the hospitalization of the head of the Pentagon provoked a reaction

In particular, the Pentagon press community, representing the media and illuminating the activities of the American defense department, expressed “concern” regarding the late message regarding Austin’s hospitalization.

The public has the right to know about such situations, noted in the media community. In this case, representatives of the media community called the “shame” the fact that the Pentagon informed the public about the incident only a few days later.