Head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov met with ambassadors on Kazanforum 2024

The Head of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, Rustam Minnikhanov, said that the economic relations of Tatarstan with the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIS) are developing, and the turnover with Egypt, Malaysia, united by Arab emirates, Tunisia and Turkey has increased significantly.

Anadolu Agency (AA) is a global communication partner of the Russia-Islamic World: Kazanforum 2024

On Wednesday, Minnikhanov met with ambassadors of the countries of the forum in Russia.

Minnikhanov said that the forum became a “good tradition” to improve bilateral relations.

noting that in the framework of the forum there were productive sessions, discussions and round tables on Islamic finances, entrepreneurship, investment, logistics, a free lifestyle, diplomacy and many other issues, the head of Tatarstan emphasized that Russia and member countries of the OIS interact solving many problems in the world.


He noted that Tatarstan is one of the most industrialized and innovative regions of Russia.

Noting the upcoming meeting of the Russia -Islamic World Strategic Vision Group, Minnikhanov said that this meeting is one of the “active and working mechanisms” of Russia’s interaction with the Islamic world.

Minnikhanov noted that the economic relations of Tatarstan with OIS member states are developing, noting a significant increase in trade with Egypt, Malaysia, united by Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Turkey.

– a third of Turkish investments in Russia falls on Tatarstan

Turkish Ambassador to Moscow, Tanzhu Bilgich, in his speech, said that Turkey and Russia set themselves the goal of reaching a trade volume of $ 100 billion, and recalled that last year this figure amounted to $ 56 billion.

According to the ambassador, the target trade between Tatarstan and Turkey is about 2.9 billion dollars: “One third of Turkish investments in Russia falls on Tatarstan. We invested more than $ 2.5 billion in Tatarstan.”