Head physician said that he would become a minister. And I sold my position for 280 thousand manat

As a result of the investigation conducted on the basis of the appeal of a citizen in connection with the illegal actions of the Chief Doctor of the City Skin-Venereological Dispensary No. 1 Rashad Ismailov, a criminal case was initiated under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to the press service of the General Prosecutor’s Office, in the course of the investigative and operational events conducted, reasonable suspicions were identified that Rashad Ismailov, working on this position, fraudulently took possession of a citizen cash for a total of 280 thousand manat By promising to appoint him to the position of chief physician of the relevant medical institution, after he himself allegedly prescribed the Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Based on the evidence of Rahada Ismailov, charges were charged under articles 178.3.2 (fraud, with causing major damage) and 32.4, 312.2 (cottage of bribes official for committing it obviously illegal actions (inaction) or repeatedly) of the Criminal Code, and The decision of the court against it is elected a preventive measure in the form of arrest.

The criminal case is sent to court for consideration.