Heads of General Staff of NATO countries are discussing in Brussels acceleration of support for Ukraine

The chiefs of the NATO General Staffs met at the headquarters in Brussels to discuss the issue of accelerating the support of Ukraine.

At the meeting, chaired by the head of the NATO Military Committee, Robert Bauer, was attended by the chiefs of staff of 32 NATO member states and the General Secretary of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg.

The head of the NATO Military Committee, Bauer, recalled that the term of office of the Secretary General of NATO Stoltenberg expired on October 1, and that he was the last time meeting the chiefs of staff at the round table.

At the same time, Bauer drew attention to the fact that the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Sweden Mikael Biden for the first time takes part in the meeting after the country has become a full member of the alliance on March 7.

Bauer noted that the chiefs of staff can develop new NATO defense plans applicable to the Union Armed Forces.

According to him, we are talking about such issues as the deployment of more troops to higher levels of readiness, increasing and developing potential, coordination of NATO command, maintenance, military mobility, replenishment and preliminary placement of reserves, increasing the number of teachings on collective defense.

In addition, the head of the NATO military committee attracted attention to the situation around Ukraine.

“If NATO countries are faced with the choice of NATO goals or the support of Ukraine, they must support Ukraine. The reserves can and will be replenished, but life is lost forever,” Bauer said.

In turn, Stoltenberg said that he always enthusiastically takes part in meetings of chiefs of staff and is glad to work with every general.

NATO Secretary General once again expressed satisfaction with the membership of Sweden.

The chiefs of the General Staff of the NATO Armed Forces are traditionally found three times a year: twice in Brussels and once in one of the union countries. The previous meeting was held in Brussels January 17th.

Turkey at the meeting is represented by the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, General Metin Gurak.