Hitanas Nauced was re -elected by President of Lithuanian Republic

Hitanas Nauceda was re -elected by the President of the Lithuanian Republic following the results of the counting of votes in all polling stations.

According to the Lithuanian state media, citing the Main Election Commission (GIK), ballots are calculated in all 1,895 polling stations. Nauced scored 74.43 percent of votes.

His rival in the second round of elections, Prime Minister Ingrid Shinonit received 24.06 percent of the vote. According to the GIK, Nauceda won all Lithuanian governments.

On Sunday, the second round of the presidential election was held in Lithuania. The turnout amounted to 49.61 percent.

The re -elected president promised to focus on the results and listed the challenges that he encountered during his first term.

“For me personally, this is a very important day. This is really an assessment of those five years of work that was not easy and was carried out in changing circumstances,” quotes the head of state LRT.

NAUSED noted that the cadence period was marked by both the pandemia and the problems of migration, illegal migration, and conflict in Ukraine, all these factors complicated the domestic political situation in Lithuania.

“In the second period, I will strive for the result, I will be focused on the result even more than it was during the first term. I see great opportunities and a large field of activity,” Nauceda said.