How many times can a person get infected with “Delta”

The Russian doctor Boris Churaradze notes that a number of patients can slander coronavirus immediately several times a year – as this happens, for example, with flu. According to him, there are cases of infection with coronavirus infection in a month or two after illness. Ill for a year two or three times – more than real, said the physician, whose words are quoted by RIA Novosti


Churadza clarified that with a re-infection by the same strain in the overwhelming majority cases, the disease proceeds much easier. If a person has become infected with another strain, then, according to a Russian specialist, the picture is less unambiguous: there are severe cases and even heavier than previous ones.

As the formation of population immunity through vaccination and the presence of antibodies have been ill incidence will decline, and the impact of the disease will be less severe Churadze sure.