How to choose right oven?

“Who has the Shekerbura with the best pattern?”, “Who has the baklava much brighter?” or “Who’s got a lot more crunchy gogal?” – on the eve of the Novruz holiday, a struggle flares up among women around these issues. But the women competing in the Most Delicious Holiday Sweetness competition focus on choosing the right ingredients and forget the main factor. An improperly selected oven can ruin not only quality products, but also your efforts. In this article together with Kontakt Home we will find the answer to the question “What should you look for when choosing an oven?” So let’s get started.

Gas or electric oven?

The main reason for preferring a gas oven until recently was savings on utilities. Natural gas is cheaper than electricity. However, most modern electric ovens are classified as energy saving. If you are not going to open a bakery, then paying bills will not be significant for you.

Cooking in gas ovens occurs due to the burners located in the upper and lower panels of the device. Since such ovens do not have side wall heating, during the cooking process it becomes necessary to open the oven door several times and change the position of the baking sheet. And because of the frequent opening of the door, the dough of sweets does not swell, and at the same time they dry out. In this regard, electric ovens are more suitable. After all, the oven is heated not only at the top and bottom of the device, but also on the sides. Therefore, the heat circulates evenly inside the oven, and there is no need to turn the baking sheet during the cooking process. As a result, sweets become more fluffy, and their surface is fried evenly. In addition, these ovens will save you time as there is no need for additional control.

Built-in, mini or malting?

After we have decided what kind of oven will be – gas or electric, let’s take a look at the views according to their functionality and location in the kitchen, and then decide on the final choice. Ovens, depending on the functionality and their location in the kitchen, are divided into mini (autonomous) and solo (independent).