Huseynov was huddled on Volga

The traffic police of the Samukh Rop detained a driver who exceeded the speed regime who grossly violated the rules of the road and committed auto -hooliganism in the district

According to the Ganjing Regional Group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a resident of the Yusif Huseynov district in a gas car (Volga committed auto-hooliganism and thereby defiantly violated public order, causing discontent of citizens.

The vehicle was placed in a penalty park, and an administrative protocol was drawn up in relation to the driver and sent to the court. By a decision of the court, Yu. Guseynov was arrested administratively for 15 days.

In addition, as a result of the road police taken by the road police, in accordance with the law, measures were taken in relation to about 20 car owners for the release of excess exhaust gases into the atmosphere.