Husits plan to free at least 100 prisoners

The rebels from the Yemensky movement “Ansarullah” (Husit) supported by Iran said that 100 prisoners would unilaterally let go of freedom. This is stated in the message of the representative of the Khusitov Abdulkadir El Murtes, located on the social network X.

Murteza noted that today the Husites will undertake a one -sided humanitarian initiative in accordance with the order of the leader of the movement of Abdul -Malik al -Husi, in which at least 100 prisoners will be released to freedom.

The Yemen government has not yet commented on this initiative of the Khusitov.

– “Exchange of prisoners” between the Hussites and the government of Yemen.

The government of Yemen and the Husites began negotiations on the exchange of prisoners in Switzerland on March 11, 2023 under the supervision of the UN.

According to the results of negotiations, the parties reached an agreement on mutual release of 887 people, including 4 media employees, as well as well -known representatives from political, military and law enforcement agencies on March 20, 2023. The report of the representative of the Yemen Government delegation on the issues of prisoners and detainees of Majem Fedail of April 19, 2023 states that within the framework of the exchange of prisoners on both sides, about 900 people who lasted within three days.

During the meetings held in Sweden in 2018, the parties presented a list of more than 15 thousand prisoners, detained and abducted persons.

In Yemen, the Husites supported by Iran has controlled the capital of the sanctuary and some regions since September 2014.

Coalition forces, led by Saudi Arabia, support the Yemen government in the fight against the Hussites since March 2015.