Ilham Aliyev expressed his condolences Liz Tracers

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev expressed condolences to the Prime Minister of Great Britain Liz Tracers in connection with the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

“The news of the death of the outstanding head of state – Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elizabeth II – we met with a feeling of grief.

Her Majesty Korolev Elizabeth II, from the second half of the 20th century, with honor, with honor, who included his name on the pages of world history, playing an exceptional role in the fate of the United Kingdom, was an outstanding personality, a bright personality of his people.

The Queen, who selflessly devoted his whole life to the development of her country, with her example, sincere devotion to national interests, disinterested serving to their people, infinite devotion to the state erected an eternal monument in the hearts of millions of compatriots. Over seven decades of activity, she rightfully earned enormous authority, deep respect and veneration all over the world.

I express deep condolences to you, the royal family, to the whole people of the United Kingdom on their own behalf and on behalf of the Azerbaijani people in connection with this difficult loss, ”the letter of Ilham Aliyev said.