Important tips for parents from pediatrician

A specialist of the Ministry of Health, pediatrician Akper Guliev answered important questions about children’s health entering the accounts of the ministry on social networks.

To the question of what threatens the early or later closure of the fontanel in infants, the doctor answered: “The growth of the bones of the skull depends on the growth of the brain. Furious cranches provide the elasticity of the skull while the fastest growth occurs. The fontanel is the non -co -wrapped area of ​​the arch of the skull consisting of the remnants of the membranous skeleton and connecting the bones of the skull of newborns. By the time of birth, the baby has six fontances, 4 of them are closed in the first days of the child’s life … The size of the fontances is due to a large number of factors: hereditary predisposition, metabolism, the presence of diseases and other components. Disorders of the development of the brain that determine microcephaly can be accompanied by the small size of the anterior fontanel or its early closure (ossification). Meningitis, encephalitis, hydrocephalus, metabolic diseases (congenital hypothyroidism), rickets (vitamin D deficiency) can cause a slowdown in the fontanel. “.

Talking about what preventive measures should be taken to parents to protect the child from diseases in the cold season, the doctor indicates that “children under the age of 6-7 are more susceptible to diseases, especially in the autumn-winter period. avoiding such situations, I would like to give several practical advice to parents. I should know that breastfeeding helps to strengthen the immune system of your baby. Maternal milk is the safest and healthy food during the first 6 months of life for all children around the world. In addition , in the daily diet of children there should be a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for the normal life of the child’s body.

It is important to know that in the formation of the child’s body and its immune system, water plays a key role. Water has a beneficial effect on the children’s body and participates in the formation of the following processes: improvement of metabolism; maintaining normal body temperature; reduction in the risk of allergic reactions; Improving mood.

For the normal development of the child, the correct sleep mode is also very important. Each child should sleep 8-11 hours a day. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the correct wash of the hands. You should wear the baby according to the weather and depending on the season.