In ancient city of Assos, they discovered harpoon-soreman age 1700

During the excavations held in the ancient city of Assos in the Turkish province of Chanackale, an iron harpoon-sore was discovered, whose age is supposedly 1700-1800 years.

Antique city of Assos, located on the border of the village of Behramkale in the Aivajik area, sheds light on the history of the ancient world thanks to excavations discovered there, including the Roman and Byzantine periods.

Excavations in the ancient city are carried out under the leadership of the professor of the Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the University on March 18 in Chanackala Nurerettin Arslan with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Turkish Historical Society and the Main Sponsor ̇çdaş.

In an interview with Anadol, the professor said that during excavations in the Nymphona area (eastern fountain) an iron rod was discovered, looking at which it could be assumed that this tool was used in fishing.

According to the professor, the harpoon can often be seen on frescoes and other wall images.

, however, for the first time we found this kind of tool in the association. As you know, tools and iron items are most prone to corrosion, and therefore they are quickly destroyed. However, this harpoon, the trident, is an important find, since it was found almost completely intact. As far as we know, such tools were used in antiquity to catch large fish in the sea, ”Arslan said.

The professor noted that in all likelihood, the harpoon was produced in the Assos, since in the period under consideration, iron tools were produced everywhere.