In Azerbaijan universities, began to teach “Story of Ottoman Empire”

In 2021, for the first time in Azerbaijani university – in the State Pedagogical University them. N.Tusi began teaching the course “Ottoman History”. About this IA Turan reported co-author and one of the teachers of this subject is the head of the department. Universal history and technology teaching history – Doctor of Historical Sciences Sevinj Aliyev. Second co-author of the book and teacher – Doctor of Philosophy on the history of Mehman Agayev.

Editor of the new edition – the head of the international relations of the Institute of Oriental Studies Nana, Doctor of Philosophy on Hilarila Caucasus, Reviewer – Advisor to the Education Department of the Turkish Embassy in Baku, doctor of philosophy on the history of Nihat Bayukbash.

According to Sevinj Aliyeva, the history of Turkey was presented for a long time in terms of the Soviet educational system from the point of view of the foreign policy of the Russian Empire and its long-term struggle against the Ottoman Empire for the sphere of influence.

A scientist believes that after the collapse of the USSR and the restoration of independence of Azerbaijan, interest in the history and teaching of Turkic peoples increased in the wave of social processes and the rise of national-cultural self-consciousness. However, according to her, there were serious remnants and contradictions in the teaching system.

S. Aliyeva expresses his perplexity: “The subject of the story of Eastern European countries was taught, which implied the history of the Western Slavic peoples, at the same time being the population of the Warsaw contract. Their study from an ideological point of view was clear in Soviet times, but not justified At the present stage. Or, for example, what meant the course “The History of Turkic Peoples in the Soviet period”? Why did the Soviet period allocated separately? Why is it not the history of Turks in the era of Emir Timur, Shah Babur, etc. from this school year, thanks to the new The program approved by the Ministry of Education, we switched to teaching “the history of Turkic peoples and states” … “.

The scientist expresses his disagreement of the Soviet methodology of education: “Where is the history of Turkey and Iran, not to mention Muslim countries were considered within the framework of the Russian-Turkish, Russian-Iranian wars or liberation from the Golden Town Iean. The greatest Turkic commanders and rulers were depicted by tyranans and despoty, destroyed European and Christian cultures and threatening European security. Turkey is often presented as a tool of European policy. The study of Ottoman history is dictated by the fact that Azerbaijan is associated with Turkey historical, geographic, cultural and religious proximity. “