In “Azerigaz” investigated complaint of head of public association

Names, the Chairman of the Public Association “Support for Public Participation” by Nasirov Shabra Fakhraddin Oglu contacted the election commission and stated that she filed documents for membership in the public council when “Azerigaz”, but was not registered. This is HAQQIN.AZ reported in the press service of “Azerigas”.

Election Commission took this issue under control and conducted an investigation. Despite the presence of facts confirming the conclusion of the relevant documents from the email address owned by Nasiru Shabana Fahrdedin Oglu, this letter was not received by the corporate electronic association address ([Email Protected]).

In connection with the situation related to technical problems, the Election Commission was considered to participate by Nasirov Shaban Fakhraddin Oglu in elections to the Public Council, which will be created when “Azerigaz”.

Thus, at present, the number of candidates participating in the membership in the public council in the production association “Azerigaz” reached 17 people. Information about them is posted on the official website of the software.