In China, they started talking about use of nuclear weapons

China is committed to the strategy of self -defense in the nuclear sphere and will not use nuclear weapons first, regardless of circumstances. This was stated on Tuesday by the director of the Department of Control of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC Fu Tsun, reports TASS.

“China is committed to the path of peaceful development and nuclear self -defense strategy and undertakes to never use the first nuclear weapons under any circumstances,” he said during his speech at the UN headquarters in the New York at the conference of the participants in the countries of the non -proliferation agreement nuclear weapons (day).

Fu Cent added that the return to the SVPD should not be accompanied by the threat of sanctions. The United States should withdraw its nuclear weapons from Europe and not place it in other parts of the world, said the head of the Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC