In cities of China, Lokdowns were introduced for millions of inhabitants

The authorities of some cities in China introduced restrictive measures and Locksuns to restrain the new outbreaks of Covid-19, as a result of which millions of people were in isolation mode, European media reported.

So, in the Chinese city district of the IU (Zhejiang Province), which is a large production and export center, residents should not be left at home for 3 days. 1.9 million inhabitants of the IU, along with millions of residents of other Chinese cities, can still leave the house only to the product store or to the hospital.

from Wednesday in the most important areas of the city of Urumchi – the administrative capital of the Sinjan -Uygursky Autonomous Region – a five -day Lokdown is operating.

According to the National Health Commission of the PRC, as of Wednesday on mainland China, another 1,993 cases of coronavirus disease were revealed. For all the time of the pandemic in China, 232 thousand cases of Covid-19 and 5.2 thousand deaths were recorded.