In collision of aircraft at Tokyo Airport, five people were killed

Five of the six members of the Japanese Coastal Military Airport Protection, which, when landing at the Tokyo Hanad airport, collided with the passenger liner of the Japan Airlines airline, died.

According to the NHK channel with reference to the police, one of the crew members managed to evacuate from a burning aircraft in a wounded state.

The board was preparing to fly into the regions of the country injured from earthquakes to deliver humanitarian aid

Earlier, local media reported that the Japan Airlines passenger aircraft caught fire at Hanad Airport.

The frames shows that the aircraft immediately after landing covered fire, black smoke fell from the portholes.

One of the wings of the liner was seriously burned, the plane leaned on the ground with an engine. All 379 passengers and crew members managed to evacuate using an air lamp.

Social media later appeared facilities of a passenger liner collision with a military transport aircraft of coastal protection.

To date, the fuselage of the passenger aircraft has almost completely burned out. Airport airport stripes are closed.