In France, they develop regulatory content in social networks Law

In France, it is planned to discuss a bill providing for the regulation of publications on digital platforms and the removal of unacceptable content.

The bill will be submitted to the agenda of the Senate (Upper House of Parliament of France).

The document provides for a number of changes regarding the establishment of an age -related restriction for access to sites where unacceptable content is posted, information about domestic violence victims on public digital resources, as well as regulation of competition in the field of cloud computing.

in the framework of the bill, the authorities will be able to demand removal of messages about cruelty with children within a day.

Changes to the bill on the safety and regulation of digital life were made the day before in connection with protests that broke out in many cities and communes of France on June 27.

According to newly added changes, competent administrative bodies will be able to dispose of the removal of posts on social networks that encourage the threat to public order and security. In addition, the authorities will be able to block access to such content within 2 hours.

violators of the requirements of the authorities can be sentenced to 1 year of prison or a fine of 250 thousand euros.

The bill, which also provides for the fight against fake accounts, news and pirate sites, was finalized on May 10.

The discussion of the bill in the Senate will continue on July 5, 6 and 7.