In Georgian city demanded to return monument to Stalin

In the Georgian city of Gori, where Joseph Stalin was born, representatives of non-governmental organizations and local residents demanded to return the monument to the Soviet leader and establish relations with Russia. About this with reference to Georgian TV channels reports RIA Novosti.

“Stalin was the god of the Communists. This is a global holiday, and today we again demand to return the monument to the leader. In addition, we are invited to such an organization as NATO, which is the conqueror, and we do not need it,” the agency quotes one of The initiators. – The USSR was a paradise who created Stalin, while people were arrested for idleness, and all that were always jobs … We need to redirect political boom in the direction of Russia and establish relationships. “

Participants of the action gathered in front of the Museum of Stalin to Gori, in their hands there were portraits of the leader, and on medical masks – the inscriptions “USSR”.