In India, they recorded outbreak of “black mold” in surviving Covid-19

The doctors of the Indian state of Gujarat recorded the outbreak of muffosicosis (“black mold”) – a rare disease caused by mold mushrooms. It is reported by India Today.

Journalists note that more than 100 people have already infected in the country. Two days earlier, the edition reported about 40 recorded cases of Mulkomicosis: eight patients from their numbers lost sight.

According to the publication, the “black mold” is stronger than the rest threatens people who infected coronavirus, and those who have already had a covid-19.

The Power of India began to take measures to combat the ailment. Gudjarant has already ordered five thousand injections for the treatment of patients. In addition, the government has created special departments for patients with Mulkomicosis in some state hospitals.

Mulkomicosis is characterized by damage to the skin and damage in the internal organs, which can lead to death. According to the information agency PTI, several residents of India have already died after infection with “black mold”.