In Iran, they made festive prayer

In the mosques of Iran, a festive prayer has been committed in connection with the Holy Festival of Ramadan.

Citizens gathered in the mosques “Imam Khomeini”, “Imam Hussein”, “Rasulu ecrem”, “Emila Muminin” and “Shah Abdulasim” from the early morning to make a festive prayer.

The festive prayer in the mosque “Imam Khomeini” in Tehran was headed by the spiritual leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

According to the state television channel, during the festive hutba before Prayer Hamen, he urged to be vigilant “against the enemy” and overcome problems, making efforts along with the legislative, executive and judicial power in the country.

Khamenei for the first time after three years led the festive prayer. He congratulated the Iranians and the whole Islamic world on the holiday of Ramazan.

High -ranking political and military officials, as well as the inhabitants of Tehran, including women and children,