In Ministry of Health, they told how pregnant to protect themselves from COVID

The chief obstetrician gynecologist of the Ministry of Health AR Sevinj Mamedova gave recommendations, as a pregnant woman to protect himself from COVID-19, reported whether Coronavirus influences the type of childbirth, and answered other questions related to pregnancy during the coronavirus pandemic period.

– How is a pregnant woman to protect himself from COVID-19?

– Coronavirus is transmitted to a person when contacting an infected person or air-droplet. Basic hygiene rules are the main method of protecting pregnant women from coronavirus. It is especially necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Do not touch the nose, mouth and eyes. Bloat your mouth and nose with a napkin (handkerchief) when sneeze or cough. Use disposable paper napkins (shawls) that dispose immediately after use. In the absence of a napkin (handkerchief) cough or sneeze into the bend of the elbow. It is also not recommended to leave the house without a special need. Going out of the house, you should wear a medical mask and avoid mass accumulation of people. As part of the rules, you should not approach other people closer than 1.5-2 meters, and contacts (hugging, handshaking, kisses) should be avoided. Special attention should be paid to the SNA mode and healthy balanced nutrition.

– What should I pay special attention to nursing mothers?

– As a result of a local study conducted during the coronavirus epidemic, the fact of transferring COVID-19 through breast milk and breastfeeding was not detected. Therefore, mothers should not be afraid to feed their baby breasts. Before breastfeeding, they should wash their hands with water with soap, put on masks and gloves.

Also during breastfeeding, respiratory hygiene should be observed. In the case when the baby needs a proximated milk in addition to conventional breastfeeding, the writing breast milk should be given to a child in a sterile bottle.

Does COVID-19 affect the type of birth?

– the natural methods or the operation of caesarean section are selected depending on the current course of pregnancy, the state of health of the mother and child. If the overall health of the mother and child is good, preference is given to the maintenance of natural labor. Social isolation (postpartum insulation) should be continued, during which visitors can not visit it, which is extremely important for mother and child health.

– Is there a risk of premature births?

– There are single messages about premature births in pregnant women with severe COVID-19. However, the exact reason that causes premature labor is difficult to say. As the child in the womb is “growing”, it increases the activity of the lungs, heart and blood circulation of the mother. The presence of a heavy form COVID-19 may aggravate this state and lead to respiratory issues.

Being in such a state, women must be under careful observation in the hospital. Acute diseases causing high temperatures may be related to premature birth.