In Moscow, they stated that situation in Ukraine occurred due to expansion of NATO

The situation in Ukraine became the result of the limitless expansion of NATO, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a press conference following the negotiations with the UN Gensecom Anthony Guterresh.

“We paid the main attention on the European continent in the context of what is happening in Ukraine, in the” DNR “, in the” LNR “. The situation there is no longer today, not yesterday. We see, I told our colleague about it in detail. And to a friend Antoniou Gherreshu, which largely this situation was accumulated in the decisive context, this happened as a result of the course taken by our American colleagues and their allies of the course on the limitless expansion of NATO, the approval of the unipolar world, “- quotes Lavrov RIA Novosti.

He added that it was done to deter in Russia, and Ukraine was used as a platform.