In North Korea, established position of Deputy Kim Jong Yana

In the Korea Labor Party (TPK), the position of the first secretary was established, which is probably still free and can get the sister of the leader of the DPRK KIM Chen Yana – Kim Yu Zhong, transfers Interfax.

It is reported that the first secretary will actually perform the functions of the Under-Secretary-General of the TPK Kim Chen Yana.

“In case of emergency situations, including the health-related Kim Jen Yana, Kim Yu Zhong is likely to take the position of the deputy and will temporarily fulfill the responsibilities of the successor to the moment until the power goes to the son of Kim Jong Yana,” “Ryonhap” Words of the former South Korean Minister for Affairs Association Lee Chong Juice.

Lee Chon Juice also said that, according to some reports, this position may also occupy one of the close assistants of the DPRK leader Secretary of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of CJSC. However, according to the former Minister of Association, such a split is unlikely, since Cho Yong is not a member of the family Kim Jong.