In North Korea, launch of rockets declared self-defense

The last launch of Pyongyan rockets towards the Japanese Sea was self-defense against the background of the joint military exercises of the United States and South Korea. This was reported on Saturday Central Telegraph Agency Korea (CAT).

“The test launch of a tactical managed missile of a new type is … Action based on the right to self-defense of the sovereign state,” said the TsC reported by the secretary of the Central Committee of the Korea Li Bon Choli. – In the present The situation when South Korea and the United States continuously conduct dangerous military exercises, imported ultra-modern weapons … We had to collect military power to reliably protect the security of our state. “

In a statement Comment by President Joe Bayiden in relation to the launch of missiles, which called this act a violation of UN Security Council resolution 1718, is regarded as a manifestation of “hostility”: “Such statements of the US President – open encroachment on the right to self-defense of our state.”

According to Lee Bon Chhalin, the new US administration “took the wrong start” in politics. In addition, the secretary called the position of the American authorities “militant” by adding what attitude “indicates again, on what path” DPRK “should go.”