In north of Syria, clashes continue between PKK/YPG terrorists and local residents

In the province of Deir ez-zor in the northeast of Syria, armed clashes between the militants of the PKK/YPG terrorist organization and local residents.

According to local sources, the conflict began after the detention by the leaders of the terrorists Ahmed al-Khabil, the head of the so-called Military Council of Deir Ez-Zor, controlled by the group.

al-Khabilya seized in the Khasek region, after which the locals began to attack the blocks of PKK/YPG terrorists in the villages of the hut, Muhaimidia, Rubeia and Maamal.

Following this, PKK/YPG militants transferred additional forces to Deir ez-Zeru.

reports the dead and wounded among PKK/YPG terrorists.

Brother Ahmed al-Khabilya Jalal, in turn, shared a video with threats to PKK/YPG.