In Turkey, they talked about plans for Russian grain

Turkey expects to process Russian grain and send it to needing countries for free. This was announced on November 8 by the Turkish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Vakhit Kirishchi. Russian media write about this.

According to him, the country has unloaded capacities in the flour industry, the production of pasta, semolina and buckwheat. For Russian grain, Turkish companies can use unused capacities.

“After the processing of free wheat, which we will receive from Russia at our own factories, we will send it to the least developed countries,” said Vakhit Kirishchi.

The minister added that free sending flour from Russian grain is the desire of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Earlier, the head of the Turkish federation of the flour industry Eren Gunhan Ulusa said that Russia could begin the use of Turkish warehouse capacities as hubs for storing and realizing its grain.