In Turkish horse, they honor legacy of great poet-mystic “Mevlyana”

The Time Read Time, dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the death of the famous mystical poet Jalaladdin Rumi, is better known as Mevlyana.


The ceremony participants, including the Governor of the Horse Vakhtetin Ozkan, the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey, Batuhan Mumju, General Director of the Department of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Turkish Omer Faruk Belviranla, Deputy Head of the Municipality of Kozi Mustafa Uzbash , the granddaughter of “Mevlyany” in the 22nd generation of Esin Chelebi Bayru, a representative of the ruling party of justice and development in Kong Hassan Angi, the heads of the municipalities of the district, members of the protocol and citizens, gathered at the tomb of “Shemsa Tabrizi”.

Here the mufti horse Ali Oge uttered a prayer for the rest of the soul of the Islamic theologian, read out ayahs from a copy of the Holy Book of the Muslims of the Qur’an.

Further, the members of the protocol and citizens went through the procession from Mevlyan Street to Mevlyana Square.

The participants of the event visited the Mevlyany Museum, and after the Gulbang prayer (the tradition in the Sufi tariya Mevlevi, translated from Farsi means “Voice of the Flower”) took part in the Nevbe ceremony.

In connection with the 750th anniversary of the death of the famous poet-mystical, Jalaladdin Rumi in Kong from December 7 to 17, various ceremonies will be organized, exhibitions and discussions, as well as the Semazen show (circling dervishes).