In Ukraine, they explained why military left city of Popasnaya

The Armed Forces of Ukraine moved away from the city of Popasnaya Lugansk region to a stronger position, said the head of the regional military administration Sergey Gaidai.

“Unfortunately, our troops really departed a little from the pupa, because the city fired for more than two months. There, bombs, missiles, mines and artillery there. All there was destroyed to the foundation. Therefore, ours went to more strong positions that were preparing that prepared In advance, ”he said.

Gaidai noted that now “all the free settlements of the Luhansk region are hot spots. Rifle battles are going on in the same Belogorovka, Voevodovka and in the direction of Popasnaya.”

He assured that the plans of the Russian military “to capture completely Lugansk region until May 9” are impossible.