In United States, Putin called to recognize reality

The US State Department commented on the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who for the first time called the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation to Ukraine, and not a “special military operation,” AFP reports.

from February 24, the United States and the rest of the world knew that Putin’s “special military operation” was an unprovided and unjustified war against Ukraine. Finally, after 300 days, Putin called the war what it was, ”the representative said in a commentary on the commentary State Department.

“As the next step in recognizing reality, we urge him to end this war by withdrawing troops from Ukraine,” he added.

The American Foreign Ministry emphasized that, regardless of the words that Putin uses, “Russia’s aggression against its sovereign neighbor led to deaths, destruction and movements of people”.

“The people of Ukraine, no doubt, are unlikely to be comforted by the fact that Putin states the obvious – as well as tens of thousands of Russian families, whose relatives died, waging a war with Putin,” added a representative of the State Department.

During a conversation with reporters on Thursday, the President of Russia for the first time publicly used the word “war”, speaking of events in Ukraine, and said that he allegedly seeks to finish it as soon as possible, but wants to avoid big losses.