In villages of Dzalilalabad, power grid is updated

Azerishyg OJSC in the framework of an investment project covering 100 villages located in different regions of the country, updates the electric network of the villages of Gamyshlygel and Sadatla Dzalilabad district.

According to the press service of the OJSC, in the village of Gamachshlygel, which has 84 subscribers, 3 complete transformer substations will be installed in the framework of work on updating the network. More than 14 kilometers of power transmission lines of 10 kV and 6 kilometers of power transmission lines 0.4 kV will be updated.

Repair work also continues in the village of Sadatla, the Dzalilabad district. In the village, numbering 80 subscribers, 3 complete transformer substations will be installed. More than 5 kilometers of power transmission lines of 10 kV and 4 kilometers of power transmission lines 0.4 kV will also be replaced. Counters will be replaced in both settlements.

“Azerishyg” continues to upgrade Albalah, Halilly, Gunili, Allahweraran in the villages of Albalah, Novruzalla, Malikgasymly and the Yusubla district. After completion of work, a total of about 800 subscribers will be provided with high -quality, stable and uninterrupted electricity.

It should be noted that Azerishig OJSC at the beginning of the year approved an investment project, which provides for the reconstruction of outdated electric networks in more than 100 villages. As part of this project, work in dozens of villages located in different regions has been completed today.