India has installed a new anti-propelord for deaths due to Covid-19

The number of coronavirus infected increased in India over the past day at 94,052 and amounted to 29 183 121. As the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the country’s family reported on its website, the number of deaths associated with infection has increased in 24 hours to 6 148 and reached 359 676.

A fixed increase in the number of deaths from this infection per day became the largest epidemic for India for the entire epidemic. The previous antigest was recorded on May 19 and was 4,529.

A sharp jump in death in 24 hours is explained by the fact that the government of the state of Bihar revised the numbers of the dead from infection after checking on the ground. If the staff has reported on 5,478 died in general during the epidemic, then the check showed that more than 3 thousand deaths were not taken into account, and on Thursday it was reported that in fact this number is more than 9 thousand people. The check was carried out after the High Court of Patna (the Higher Judicial Instant of the State of Bihar) demanded the revision of the data against the background of public allegations and the media that the Regional Government hides the real number of infections and deaths in the state. As a result, on Thursday, local authorities reported the daily increase in the number of deaths at 3,971.

Indian opposition and media often report that sometimes the authorities in the field hide these data on the number of deaths and cases of infection with coronavirus. As some observers believe, after the “Bihar scandal”, other states can review the statistical data on coronavirus.

For three days in a row, the Indian Ministry of Health registers less than 100 thousand new infected people – on Wednesday, the department reported on 92,596 new cases of coronavirus infection, and on Tuesday – about 86,498 infected. Prior to this, from April 5, the daily number of new cases of infection exceeded 100 thousand. The anti-recorder for this indicator was recorded on May 7 and amounted to 414 188 cases.

According to the Ministry, over the past 24 hours from COVID-19, 151,367 patients were recovered, the total number of healing amounted to 27,655,493 people. Meanwhile, the active number of COVID-19 cases in the country is 1,167,952, which is 63,463 less than day before. According to the Ministry of Health, over the past 24 hours from coronavirus infection, 3,379,261 people vaccinated, the total number of vaccinations made in the country reached 242,726,693.