Indian state banned girls in Hijab to study in college

The authorities of the Southern Indian state of Karnataka refused to put on the lessons of Muslim students in Hijabach, reports The National.

The publication notes that schools and colleges were closed throughout the state last week due to the concerns of violence after the government banned Muslim students to wear hijabs in the classroom. Last week, the High Court of Carnataka introduced a temporary ban on wearing religious clothing in schools and colleges. The court decision was made after hundreds of Hindus students came to colleges in saffron scarves – color, which is associated with the right Hindu groups – in protest against wearing Hijab students.

But when educational institutions reopened on Wednesday, February 16, more than 30 female students were excluded from the Dauniversity State Colleges for the violation of the temporary ban on the wearing hijab.

Temporary prohibition will be valid until the court decides the final decision on this issue at the end of February.