Investigators of Ganja revealed murder of 13 years ago

Prosecutor General’s Office and the Ministry of the Interior distributed joint information on the disclosure of the murder, perfect 13 years ago in Ganja.

According to the official website of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan, as a result of operational investigative activities conducted by the Prosecutor General’s Office, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, disclosed the murder of a resident of Ganja Nazarel’s hopes of Dmitry Republic (born in 1940), committed in 2008.

In the course of the investigation, it was found that on May 13, 2008 at about 21:00 Residents of Ganja Salayev Seymour Mehman Oglu (born in 1986) and his friend Girin Shahriyat Usameddin Oglu, penetrating the apartment N.Nazarli with the intention of stealing a large amount of money And jewels, killed a woman, applying numerous knife injuries in the throat.

In the framework of the criminal case, S.Salayev and Sh.Girin on August 23 of this year were brought to justice as accused under articles 120.2.1 (intentional murder committed by a group of persons) and 120.2.4 (intentional murder committed with particular cruelty ) The Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, the decision of the court they were arrested.