Iran declares US readiness to cancel more than a thousand economic sanctions

from Iran will soon remove over 1 thousand sanctions in the economic sphere introduced with the Former US President Donald Trump, the head of the administration of the Iranian President Khasan Roukhani Mahmoud Vesi said.

Negotiations on the restoration of a joint comprehensive action plan for the Iranian nuclear program (CSPD) and the withdrawal of US sanctions have advanced far ahead, said Vesia, RIA Novosti reports.

“Agreed withdrawal of sanctions on all economic issues. At the moment, an agreement has been reached in issues of banks, insurance, oil and shipping. All this has already been agreed. On the basis of the agreement, about 1040 Sanctions of Trump will be filmed … Agreement has been reached on the abolition of the embargo. In relation to persons and devices belonging to the administration of the Supreme Leader of the country, “added Vesia.

Negotiations are based on sanctions imposed before the Trump’s presidential term in 2015, he added.